Monday, December 5, 2011

Portugal Quick Update

This post comes without pictures. Only to say we arrived in Portugal and have started working at the farm ( Jen and I have been weeding fruit trees for the past three days and finally see an end in sight. Our internet source is a 40 minute walk from the farm and we forgot the camera, hence no pictures. Next time when we remember we will tell of the wonders of Lisbon and the beauty of our temporary residence.

Here are a few morsels to pique your interest: Last night we had our first installment of "Top Hobo Chef." Cooking source-hobo fire. On the menu-coal roasted chestnuts and simmered quince in a caramelized sugar syrup cooked in a dented metal bowl. Delish!

More next time!

1 comment:

  1. You kids are fantastik! All of your picventures are splendidly fascinating! And your hobochef meal sounds great. Something tells me you children are going to lose some weight on that farm. Miss you. -L
