Sunday, November 27, 2011

Non-Berlin Explorations

Jen and I have been here in Germany for the past three weeks. Most of our time was spent in Berlin, a hybrid city of LA and New York's Brooklyn with a fresh coat of spray paint and deep historical roots. Serendipitously, we also got to accompany Mr. "Nevgren" on two of his business trips and saw more of Germany via the autoban. THE AUTOBAN! I got to drive on it! Nevgren's Ford Focus Turnier got us up to 180 kph.

Our first stop was Wurzburg. They have wineries, a huge Residenz, and a even huger (?) fortress.
View of Wurzburg from Fortress Marienberg. Our server at dinner said Wurzburg was too boring....we disagreed.

View of Fortess Marienburg. The second oldest bridge in Germany is in the foreground.

The Prince-Bishop's Residenz. Sun is setting at 3pm!

A perfect Jennifer smile.

Statues at the Residenz.

After Wurzburg we headed to Leipzig. Unfortunately for us we arrived at Leipzig on a freiertag (holiday) and walked around a deserted town center.
Monument to Battle of the Nations. Celebrating the defeat of Napoleon.

Our last non-Berlin town was Bremen. Bremen is a major port for Germany and most Germans who migrated to the Americas went through here. Bremen has a famous statue...we didn't find it.

We did find this sweet child lounging on a panther above a tropical aquarium though.

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